
Top 3 Advantages of Investing in Remote Patient Monitoring

Healthcare must be made more accessible in an age of information and digital communication. Physicians need cutting-edge technology and the best care management solutions that allow doctors and patients to take an active role in a patient’s health management.

Remote patient monitoring (RPM) is a health care delivery process that allows everyone involved in the entire healthcare system to efficiently collect patient data beyond traditional health processes. It attempts to streamline data collection and delivery by utilizing technological improvements in the healthcare system. 

There are several benefits to consider, including expanded access to virtual care, greater patient-provider contact possibilities, enhanced patient engagement in self-management, as well as reduced COVID-19 spread and overall total cost of care, as noted below.

The following are the top three advantages of remote patient monitoring for patients, providers, payers, and healthcare organizations:

Benefit #1: Improves Data-Driven Clinical Decision Making

The data acquired when patients are being watched for chronic diseases, or new health issues will help patients and their health care professionals to make better clinical decisions. This allows for more customized chronic and acute therapy. 

Remote patient monitoring data is readily interpreted and used by health care practitioners, reducing unnecessary hospitalizations and ER visits and speeding up diagnosis and treatment. This can improve patients’ lives. 

According to the American Bar Association, improved health leads to increased quality of life for patients. Remote patient monitoring enhances patient health and quality of life.

Benefit #2: Helps Patients Improve Self-Management and Care Plan Adherence

Noncompliance with medication and self-care standards is estimated to cost the US $300 billion annually. This is why the ability to track a patient’s progress in real-time leads to better care plan monitoring and adherence to prescribed lifestyle changes and medications.

Chronic disease management is often costly and time-demanding. For this reason, remote patient monitoring improves sickness management and self-care while decreasing costs. Additionally, the data collected by the remote patient monitoring device can improve chronic disease management and adherence.

Benefit #3: Cost of Care Reduction for Payers and Providers

As the third most expensive healthcare system globally, it is essential to continually work to reduce health care costs in the United States. Remote patient monitoring is a cost-effective and sustainable solution to reduce health care costs. 

Technological advancements will pave the way for better healthcare systems, for payers, patients, healthcare providers and more. By leveraging technology to allow virtual monitoring, unnecessary hospitalizations and emergency room visits can be reduced, which helps to reduce overall costs. When patients get cared for through convenient, cost-effective, and accessible solutions, they become more confident with the quality of care they receive.

Moreover, remote patient monitoring can help avoid these costly emergency room visits.

In Conclusion

Improving health outcomes and reducing healthcare costs in the US is a highly complex process that must be achieved by transitioning to more modern solutions. Luckily, with the increasingly widespread use of technology and the advancements in cloud solutions, remote patient monitoring is now achievable. 

When coupled with a comprehensive cloud-based solution, a remote patient monitoring solution can be implemented to help achieve the goals described above.

With Medistics Health, we humanize healthcare with the best care management solutions that optimize time, enhance patient engagement, and deliver quality patient experience. We want patient, care manager, and physician interactions to be easy and comfortable, thus preventing complications and guaranteeing a healthy future for all of our patients. Book a consultation with us today!

Profit Calculator Assumptions: 40% of total Medicare patients enrolling is based on (i) Medicare Chart Book’s data showing that ~68% of medicare patients qualify for CCM (2 or more chronic conditions), and (ii) that ~40% of eligible patients will enroll.

For typical providers, $46.67 of net profit per patient per month is based on a Medicare reimbursement per patient per month (national average) for various care management CPT codes.

CPT and other codes, descriptions and other data are copyright 2011 American Medical Association. All rights reserved. CPT is a registered trademark of the American Medical Association (AMA).