
Buying Remote Patient Care Solutions: 6 Things to Consider

Many things are changing today. One good example is healthcare since traditional health care used to be on a fee-for-service basis and is currently shifting to a value-based care model. Aside from that, healthcare treatments are usually done in-clinic, but today’s healthcare practices use a combination of in-clinic and remote approaches.

Remote patient monitoring (RPM) is an excellent way to ensure that patients with chronic conditions can get the comfort they need while undergoing treatments for their condition. RPM also uses modern technology to collect data, such as connected health devices. These devices also relay the information regarding the patient’s condition directly to their doctor.

The COVID-19 pandemic has severely hit the world, including the healthcare industry, which is why the call for RPM has increased. However, some people are blank on what actually makes excellent RPM care.

In this article, we list down things you must consider when choosing the best RPM care solution. Read on below to learn more.

#1 – The Conditions It Supports

The RPM market is inclusive of various solutions that are also independent. It’s recommended to find an RPM solution that’s scalable, meaning it can accommodate the patient regardless of their circumstances, such as having comorbidities.

#2 – Whether the RPM Data Is Actionable or Not

Healthcare professionals are tasked with looking at an overwhelming amount of patient data. If the data cannot be condensed to narrowed-down approaches, then the RPM solution won’t work.

It’s recommended to find an RPM service that offers clinical decision support based on clinical protocols and guidelines, which allows for better consultations and real-time alerts for better patient recovery.

#3 – How Clinicians Can Handle RPM

RPM primarily involves online consultations. While incredibly beneficial, it can pose a challenge for patients who have little to no access to the internet or smartphones. On the other hand, they can use smartphones because some of them have RPM platform integration. There are no other things to do, such as tethering or app installation, which makes things easier.

#4 – The Support Model

Will the clinicians support your RPM devices and platform workflows? Who will give feedback and scale the solution to a manageable level to meet the patient’s needs? Who will be called to handle tech support for a device in the patient’s location if it breaks down? Technical and clinician support is crucial so that safety is covered both ends of the system.

#5 – How Equipment Will Be Handled

Clinicians are constantly checking in with patients. While RPM tools can enhance outpatient care, they’re on;y as effective as their users. This is why it’s vital to confirm how your equipment should be handled. Here are some variables you need to consider:

  • Who will keep and deliver the necessary RPM devices?
  • Who will teach the patient’s family how to use them once the remote setting starts?
  • Will the equipment be used in-clinic or at home?
  • What happens to the device if the patient no longer needs the RPM devices?

Ask all of these questions when inquiring with an RPM service provider so that all bases are covered.

#6 – EMR Integration

If an RPM solution provides electronic medical record (EMR) integration, it’s recommended to go for it. The reason you do so is that it enhances the clinical process without having to rework it. EMR integration’s primary benefit is that it provides more security and scalability for RPM.


The healthcare sector exists for one reason: to give the people solutions to any illness or discomfort that they’re experiencing. RPM care solutions ensure that any patient gains the necessary medications and treatment options to recover safely and efficiently.

Medistics Health provides only the highest quality of remote patient monitoring solutions to recover faster without stressors in their environment. We believe that letting patients recover in an environment where they are comfortable contributes to faster recovery and a better quality of life. Schedule a free consultation and receive the best remote patient monitoring tools in the market today!

Profit Calculator Assumptions: 40% of total Medicare patients enrolling is based on (i) Medicare Chart Book’s data showing that ~68% of medicare patients qualify for CCM (2 or more chronic conditions), and (ii) that ~40% of eligible patients will enroll.

For typical providers, $46.67 of net profit per patient per month is based on a Medicare reimbursement per patient per month (national average) for various care management CPT codes.

CPT and other codes, descriptions and other data are copyright 2011 American Medical Association. All rights reserved. CPT is a registered trademark of the American Medical Association (AMA).