
What to Know About Type 2 Diabetes: Causes and Treatment

Monitoring and regulating your blood sugar should be standard for everybody, but it’s especially true for people diagnosed with diabetes. Consuming too much sugar and increasing your blood glucose can be dangerous for diabetic people.

Know the distinction about what kind of diabetes you have. Type 1 diabetes and Type 2 diabetes can be slightly different in terms of the effects, cause, and treatment. It’s also important to note that Type 2 can be much more common. 

What Is Type 2 Diabetes?

Type 2 diabetes is a condition wherein a person has blood sugar levels that are abnormally high. Because of the food consumed and its toll on a person’s blood sugar, the body’s insulin production becomes more irregular and deficient in the end. Insulin from the pancreas is developed to keep those blood sugar levels in check.

Once the body resists and ceases to produce insulin, there’s nothing left to regulate blood glucose. This excess glucose can be tough to deal with, significantly as it increases over time depending on what you eat in a meal.

People of any age can be diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes, though it’s more likely that it happens when they are of age since the symptoms only show later on after developing. Side effects of Type 2 Diabetes include polyuria, fatigue, impaired vision, chronic heart diseases, kidney damage, stroke, and more. 

What Causes Type 2 Diabetes?

It can vary depending on the person. Both Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes have been linked to genetic variations, although Type 2 is more often associated with the diet and food consumption of a person. 

Health and lifestyle can be a factor that affects how a body produces insulin. When a person is unable to take in the right food and proper amount of sugar, insulin resistance is developed. Even with regular genetics, the risk of developing Type 2 diabetes is very high.  

Patients also need to understand the health conditions that have been connected to Type 2 diabetes, such as obesity and insulin resistance, and habits such as physical inactivity and an unbalanced diet. Identifying these can help a person be aware and prevent Type 2 diabetes.

How Is Type 2 Diabetes Treated?

Upon getting diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes, speak with a medical professional about a blood sugar maintenance plan and possible medication. Also, request what you can do in order to manage Type 2 diabetes.

A proper diet and regular exercise can help in regulating your blood sugar level. Those two paired with insulin therapy for high-risk patients will be a must to compensate for your insulin production.

Aside from that, regularly monitoring your blood sugar levels and vitals will be a must to ensure that your well-being isn’t in danger. Medistics Health’s Remote Patient Monitoring system can help patients easily take a test at home to check for any irregularities.


In summary, Type 2 diabetes is a condition that can affect a person’s insulin efficiency and blood sugar. This can often be caused by poor health and lifestyle choices, which should be shifted and monitored to avoid side effects.

Need to manage your diabetes? Medistics Health simplifies the experience by allowing patients to monitor their chronic conditions and behavioral health conditions through medical devices at home. Contact us today.

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